CTA Coaching

Comprehensive and Professional Coaching for candidates on their journey to Salesforce CTA, combining deep domain based learning, domain specific assessments, and Technocraft's own CTA Standard Mock Exams to help you be successful at the CTA Review Board.

CTA Full Programme

The Technocraft CTA Academy Full Programme is designed for those individuals who wish to deepen their architectural knowledge through domain based learning and examinations, and go through an intense round of CTA mock exams to ensure readiness on the day of the Review Board Evaluation and final review board examinations. As well as gearing up for the CTA Review Board you will be honing you architecture skills as part of the journey.

Price: £6490

Programme Elements

10 Tailored Case Studies for each Salesforce Archtictural Domain. Candidates will be expected to solve the case study and provide a 30 minute presentation on the Case Study followed by a round of QA and Feedback. This is unique to our programme and ensures deep domain knowledge prior to conducting mock exams.

5 Challenging CTA Standard Long Mock Exams ensuring candidates are adequately trained and prepared with challenging scenarios representative of those that they will face in the final CTA Review Board.

Technocraft's Bespoke Presentation Approach and Training ensure candidates know what content to present on the review board and provides them with a framework and talk track for their presentation ensuring they are covering the key elements of content necessary from a Salesforce CTA.

Bespoke Presentation Coaching and suggested presentation format for the Architect Review Board Evaluation, allow candidates to present a shorter form solution meeting the requirements for the Evaluation exam. This has been formed based on approches taken from succesful candidates.

A structured and sequenced domain study plan incorporating Salesforce Trailhead Content and Technocraft Case Studies to provide a structured format for learning and preparation for the CTA Review Board. We also provide Domain Specific Mind Maps to allow candidates to assess areas of strenghts and weaknesses so they can focus on the right areas of preparation.

Ad-Hoc Domain Deep Dive Sessions to dive into a particular topic should it be necessary to bridge key learning gaps for both the candidate and the cohort.

1-1 Catchup Every 2 weeks with a dedicated CTA Coach which is used for progress checks and also Q an A to cover any knowledge gaps.

We offer one mock exam with an external CTA Coach, to ensure you are getting feedback from another seasoned Salesforce CTA.

A Community for the Technocraft CTA Candidates to share ideas and discuss challenges on their journey to CTA. This is your platform to ask questions and get answers.

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Mock Only Programme

The CTA Mock Exams package is designed for candidates who have already passed the CTA-602 Review Board Evaluation or are re-sitting for their final review board exam. Candidates will proceed through a series of 3 Mock exams as their final ramp up for the CTA Review Board.This is for candidates who would benefit from presentation coaching and extra mock examinations to be fully prepared for the Review Board.

Price: £2300

Programme Elements

3 Challenging CTA Standard Long Mock Exams ensuring candidates are adequately trained and prepared with challenging scenarios representative of those that they will face in the final CTA Review Board.

Technocraft's Bespoke Presentation Approach and Training ensure candidates know what content to present on the review board and provides them with a framework and talk track for their presentation ensuring they are covering the key elements of content necessary from a Salesforce CTA.

A Community for the Technocraft CTA Candidates to share ideas and discuss challenges on their journey to CTA. This is your platform to ask questions and get answers.

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